vineri, 15 mai 2009

Invitatie la Festivalul LoveKills #4 (Tabara!!)/Callout for LoveKills Festival #4 (Camp!!)

Colectivul LoveKills isi propune sa realizeze a patra editie a festivalului LoveKills in vara anului 2009. Vom organiza din nou intrunirea anarha-feminista, insa de aceasta data dorim sa se desfasoare sub forma unei tabere pe parcursul unei intregi sapatamani. Tabara se va tine in munti (in vestul Romaniei, localitatea Socolari), in perioada 27 iulie – 02 august 2009. Experienta ultimelor editii si a impactului lor, mai cu seama in contextul local, ne-au conferit atat motivatia cat si puterea de a continua organizarea acestui eveniment. Consideram si simtim ca asemenea intruniri contribuie la stabilizarea si activarea comunitatii anarha-feministe, in mod special in zona est-europeana. Pasiunea noastra pentru libertate si dorinta noastra de a realiza o societate in care opresiunea patriarhala si violenta nu exista, ne impulsioneaza in a face inca un pas inainte in lupta pentru abolirea patriarhatului! De aceea invitam pe toti cei/ toate cele interesati/e sa ni se alature si sa ne sprijine (vom avea nevoie de mult sprijin!!), pentru a obtine mai multe informatii sa ne contacteze ( Programul taberei este alcatuit de insasi participantii sai, ceea ce presupune ca toata lumea este invitata sa se inregistreze (in avans desigur) pentru workshop-uri/prezentari/lecturi/expozitii/reprezentatii si asa mai departe... 

In solidaritate, Colectivul LoveKills

LoveKills Collective intends to bring about the fourth edition of LoveKills Festival in the summer of 2009. We will organize again the anarcha-feminist gathering, but this time we would like to organize it as a one week camp. The camp will take place in the mountains (west of Romania, Socolari village) between 27 july – 02 august 2009. Our experience with the previous editions and the impact they had, above all in the local context, conferred us not only with the motivation but with the strength to keep on organizing such an event, as well. We believe and we feel that organizing such gatherings contributes to a stabilization and activation of the anarcha-feminist community, especially in the eastern-european area. Our passion for freedom and our desire to achieve a society free of the violent patriarchal oppression are stimulating us in taking another step forward in the struggle to abolish patriarchy! This is why we are inviting everyone interested in joining and supporting us (we will need a great deal of support!!) to contact ( for further information. The program of the camp is up to the participants to decide and to organize, meaning that everyone is invited to register (in advance of course) for workshops/presentations/lectures/exhibitions/performances and so on…. 

In solidarity, LoveKills Collective

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